Preview Weekend Playtests: Explore The Reaches Before Anyone Else!
Hello Moonbreakers,
We can’t thank you all enough for the amazing reception you’ve given Moonbreaker since we revealed it at Opening Night Live. While we’re thrilled to finally share our creation with the world, we are even more excited to get it into your hands.
With Moonbreaker’s September 29 Early Access release looming on the horizon, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be conducting two Steam Preview Weekend playtests . For many, this will be the first chance to get some hands-on time in the Reaches, where you’ll be able to try out Captains, build custom Rosters, paint your Units, and much more!
More importantly, we need your help pushing Moonbreaker to its limits ahead of its Early Access release. Please recruit your friends and family to work our servers to the max! Don’t forget to stream your gameplay, upload your clips, and share your paint jobs with the world. Best of all, any custom paint jobs you create during the Preview Weekends will be saved, so you'll be able to access them once you pick up Moonbreaker at Early Access launch.
How to Participate:
- Log into Steam
- Search for "Moonbreaker"
- Click the "Request Access" button on the "Join the Moonbreaker Playtest" section
- Confirm your request
- You're all set!
- Preview Weekend Playtest 1: September 9 - 11 PT
- Preview Weekend Playtest 2: September 16 - 18 PT
Important Playtest Notes:
- Testers will be given access to the entire game, though some in-game systems and the store will be disabled
- Testers will be granted immediate access to all Season 1 Units and Captains for the playtests. Units and Captains will need to be unlocked once Moonbreaker enters Early Access. We’ve streamlined this process for the playtests due to its limited timeframe and to ensure that we can monitor initial impressions
- All progress will be wiped once the Preview Weekend playtests conclude, but player paint jobs will carry forward
- Preview access may be limited based on your location
- These tests are meant to push the servers to their limits, so interruptions and/or emergency maintenance can and probably will occur
- The dates and times above are subject to change, but we will do our best to announce any schedule changes as far in advance as possible
- Please note that localization and in-game language support is not final, nor representative of the Early Access launch experience
Thank you again for your excitement around Moonbreaker and we’re looking forward to playing together!
See you in The Reaches,
-Moonbreaker Team
As the game is in Early Access, we reserve the right to change the development of the game, including key features and pricing plans, at any time.