HOTFIX Update 4.1 Patch Notes
Hi Moonbreakers,
We just released a hotfix to address the balance of some units, as well as introduce a change in Leadership to help with the pace of matches.
You'll find a comprehensive list of all the adjustments below.
Change Log
Big Stuff:
- Fixed various Matchmaking issues:
- Game would kick you to main menu at 5 min
- You can now cancel at any time without being stuck on the matchmaking screen
- Fixed threaded rendering issue with MacOS
- Captains (including Cargo Run bosses) no longer generate Leadership
Balance Changes:
- Leadership amount now increases based on turn number. (Maximum is 10 per turn granted)
- Initial leadership decreased from 5 to 1 for 1st turn player
- Initial leadership decreased from 5 to 2 for 2nd turn player
- Max cinder decreased from 99 to 20
- Max leadership decreased from 99 to 10
- Astra attack increased from 1 to 2
- Astra HP increased from 25 to 30
- Extilior attack increased from 2 to 3
- Extilior HP increased from 25 to 30
- Zax HP increased from 25 to 30
- Zax Sleeper Mine damage increased from 2 to 3
- Antios, Gauntlet HP increased from 6 to 8
- Antios, Gauntlet Inner Energy damage, increased from 3 to 4
- Antios, Gauntlet Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Drumdancer Tlalli Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Drumdancer Tlalli HP increased from 5 to 7
- Drumdancer Tlalli Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Drumdancer Tlalli Leadership cost increased from 1 to 2
- Sitchy McPatchy HP increased from 5 to 7
- Stichy McPatchy Nutrient Syringe restoration increased from 3 to 4
- Stichy McPatchy Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Taria Arsenal Attack increased from 1 to 2
- Taria Arsenal HP increased from 5 to 7
- Taria Arsenal Leadership cost increased from 1 to 2
- Taria Arsenal Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Axl Pyro HP increased from 6 to 7
- Axl Pyro Fire Flamer ability damage increased from 2 to 3
- Beatris, Enforcer HP increased from 7 to 9
- Beatris, Enforcer Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Deadeye Attack increased from 1 to 2
- Deadeye HP increased from 6 to 7
- Deadeye Leadership cost decreased from 2 to 1
- Fatetwister Tantun Season of the Hunt cost increased to 2
- Fatetwister Tantun Cinder generation decreased from 2 to 1
- Jailbreak Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Jailbreak HP increased from 8 to 10
- Jailbreak Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Maximus HP increased from 5 to 7
- Maximus Leadership cost decreased from 2 to 1
- Maximus Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Savria Safeguard Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Savria Safeguard HP increased from 8 to 10
- Savria Safeguard Shield Barrier ability cost increased from 1 to 2
- Ursix Scattervine Attack increased from 1 to 2
- Ursix Scattervine HP increased from 3 to 5
- Aria Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Aria HP increased from 5 to 7
- Blindersider Eztli Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Blindersider Eztli HP increased from 6 to 9
- Blindersider Eztli Cornered damage increased from 2 to 3
- Blindersider Eztli Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Broken Vengeance Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Broken Vengeance Leadership cost decreased from 3 to 2
- Broken Vengeance Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Hittenruhn Attack increased from 3 to 4
- Hittenruhn HP increased from 6 to 8
- Hittenruhn Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Rickety Backfire Attack increased from 3 to 5
- Rickety Backfire HP increased from 5 to 7
- Rickety Backfire Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Snareling HP increased from 6 to 8
- Snareling Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Tona Mystic Manteo HP increased from 6 to 7
- Tona Mystic Manteo Cinder generation decreased from 3 to 2
- Torian Guardian Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Toxoid HP increased from 5 to 7
- Toxoid's passive restoration increased from 1 to 2
- Toxoid's Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Ursix Nectarvine HP increased from 8 to 10
- Ursix Nectarvine Healing Bloom restoration increased from 2 to 3
- Ursix Nectarvine Cinder generation decreased from 2 to 1
- Amplifier Bitol HP increased from 5 to 8
- Amplifier Bitol Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Chuck & Co. HP increased from 8 to 10
- Chuck & Co. Toss it ability cost increased to 2
- Chuck & Co. Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Crankbait Attack increased from 1 to 2
- Crankbait HP increased from 8 to 10
- Crankbait Grappling Chain ability cost increased from 1 to 2
- Crankbait Cinder generation decreased from 2 to 1
- Crosshair Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Crosshair Cinder generation decreased from 1 to 0
- Necahual Bulwark HP increased from 9 to 10
- Necahual Bulwark HP Evacute ability cost decreased from 2 to 1
- Novian Bulwark Attack increased from 3 to 4
- Novian Bulwark HP increased from 10 to 12
- Novian Bulwark Speed increased from 3 to 4
- Peacemaker Balam HP increased from 5 to 7
- Peacemaker Balam Leadership cost increased from 4 to 5
- Peacemaker Balam Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Shrapnel Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Shrapnel HP decreased from 7 to 6
- Shrapnel Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Tipu HP increased from 7 to 12
- Turncoat HP increased from 6 to 7
- Turncoat Speed decreased from 5 to 4
- Aegys Sentinel HP increased from 12 to 14
- Aegys Sentinel Flechette ability cost decreased from 4 to 2
- Aegys Sentinel Cinder generation decreased from 2 to 1
- Flurry HP increased from 10 to 12
- Flurry Chop ingredients damage increased from 2 to 3
- Furia Attack increased from 2 to 3
- Noxy Attack increased from 1 to 2
- Noxy HP increased from 6 to 8
- Switchback Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Aegys Defense Dome HP decreased from 10 to 8
- Aegys Defense Dome Leadershipcost decreased from 6 to 4
- Crash Attack increased from 3 to 4
- Crash HP increased from 10 to 14
- Crash Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Florio, Lancer Leadership cost increased from 6 to 7
- Florio, Lancer's ability cost decreased from 5 to 3
- Florio, Lancer's Cinder generation decreased from 2 to 1
- Micoani Thicket HP increased from 10 to 14
- Micoani Thicket Cinder generation decreased from 2 to 1
- Quetzalli HP increased from 7 to 9
- Quetzalli Cinder generation increased from 0 to 1
- Cinder Cart HP increased from 4 to 5
- Cinder Cart explosive damage increase from 4 to 5
- Cinder Pile HP increased from 3 to 4
- Cinder Pile explosive damage increase from 3 to 4
You can play these changes now on Steam! As always, let us know what you think in our Discord, and continue to make suggestions about how we can improve Moonbreaker. We're always listening!
See you in the Reaches,
Moonbreaker Team.